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2025 Spring Shipping Schedule

Our 2025 Spring shipping season is soon upon us! We will continue to update the website for new products, please keep checking back with us! 

We are taking online orders immediately, to be shipped starting in February. Orders will be fulfilled in the order received, so be sure to put your order in early - we do sell out of product, so don't delay! You may insert special instructions in the "comments" section of your online checkout page if you have any questions or comments about your order.

We try to ship orders at the time that is right for planting in your zone. Below is a zone map, as well as a table that outlines rough shipping times based on your zone. Please note that you can always request a specific date for your order to be shipped. Just send us an email to let us know.



ZONE  Spring Planting Timeframe
Zone 4 & Below April 20 - May 10
Zone 5 April 15
Zone 6 March 20
Zone 7 March 1
Zone 8 & 9 February 20
Zone 10 & 11 February 15



We are listing a nice selection of Oriental Lilies, O.T. (Orienpet) lilies, and Trumpet lilies. We are also pleased to offer a fine selection of Martagon Hybrids and Species Lilies for the collectors out there. Our Martagons are large this year and very reasonably priced.

In addition, we have an impressive line of Herbaceous Peonies, most of which are available as very large root divisions, underpriced by comparison with other online sources. Stock is limited to what we have in our barn. Items will be removed from the site, once sold out.

We regret that we have very few of our signature "Bulb-zilla" selections available this season. Unusually hot growing season prevented bulbs from sizing up (as we would normally expect). We always strive to provide the biggest bulbs possible, however, and will feature large sizes (18-22cm), but very few of the Bulb-zilla size grade (22+ cm).

We use postal service priority mail to ensure timely delivery and best rates for our customers. Sorry, we don't ship outside the USA.

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