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New Products 2025

We are excited to be able to offer some new plant varieties in 2025! We try to consistently have available our "bread and butter" varieties that are well-known and beloved by many gardeners - but sometimes it's fun to mix it up with new ones. Some of these varieties are brand new, and some we have carried before but not for several years. These are hand-picked by us, and we can't wait to try them out ourselves! We hope you're just as excited as we are about these:





          Elsa Sass Bush Peony                                              Eremurus 'Pinocchio'



          Eremurus 'Bungei'                                               Golden Romance Dwarf Oriental Lily




          Madrid Patio Peony                                               Persian Ruby Daylily



          Salmon Party Dwarf Oriental Lily                                               Athens Patio Peony



          Astilbe Rise &Shine                                        Astilbe Deutschland



          Purring Tiger Siberian Iris                                               Cape Cod Boys Siberian Iris


  • When will you NOT be sold out? I missed out last year and I hope I don’t miss out again 😊

    Nancy Kimball
  • I am looking for deep burgundy colored lilies. I live in Maine, so I would like hardy varieties.

    Linda B. Meier

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