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Beverly Dreams Orienpet Hybrid Lily
Beverly Dreams Orienpet Hybrid Lily

Beverly Dreams Orienpet Hybrid Lily

The Lily Pad
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Beverly Dreams has stunning flowers and not only boasts a wonderful fragrance but also an amazing color combination. Large, outward-facing flowers have a unique dark red, star-shaped center and white edges, coupled with a green center. Beverely Dreams is a must have in gardens or bouquets.  Choose between 1 bulb or a 3-pack.
Botanical name: Lilium O.T. hybrid 'Beverly Dreams' 
Form: Perennial
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Flower Color: Dark red, white edges
Foliage Type: Linear, green leaves arranged in whorls or spirals up the stems
Bloom time: Late July-August
Height: 5-7 ft 
Spread: 18 inches
Light requirements: Full to half sun
Plant depth: 6 inches of soil over top of bulb 

See "Growing Tips" for more detailed instructions
Tips and Growing Instructions

Visit our How-To Cultivation Library for more growing tips.

Orienpet, or O.T. lilies, are cross bred between Orientals and Trumpet lilies. These lilies are breakthroughs, providing improved vigor and large showy flowers. They are more hardy then their parents: the orientals, trumpets and longiflorums. Lilies in this group should be mulched their first year to aid in over-wintering in cold climates. Spring planting of this group allows them to settle in and are more apt to make it through the winter with little care. Planting orienpet hybrid lily bulbs is very similar to planting most lily varieties. 

Lilies are incredibly easy to grow and few garden pests trouble them. The most natural location for lilies is on sloping ground with excellent drainage. Lilies prefer to have their blooms in the sun and their roots in the shade. Try planting them among annuals or perennials that will keep their roots cool.

The general rule of thumb for planting spring bulbs is to plant two to three times as deep as the bulb is tall. This means that some of our larger Bulb-Zilla lily bulbs will need to be planted 6-8 inches deeps. Plant with the roots downward and the scales upward. After planting, water well two or three times. Lilies are most effective when planted in groups of three or more. Space them about a foot apart – they will spread and fill this space in no time!

Always allow the leaves on the stalk to turn yellow and fall off as part of the lily’s natural growth process. This ensures that the bulbous underground part of the plant has gotten enough nourishment and will mean greater growth next year. Each year watch their beauty increase as they multiply!


Sorry, we do not ship outside the U.S. or to Hawaii due to agricultural restrictions.

We guarantee safe arrival of healthy bulbs, that varieties will be true-to-name, and will grow if planted as instructed, subject to the limitations described in our Shipping and Returns Policy.

We begin shipping our bulbs in mid-February through Spring. Despite what you may have heard, Spring planting of bulbs is not a bad thing, and in fact, there are many advantages to planting in Spring. Visit our Spring Planting page to learn more. Upon arriving, your bulbs and most of your perennials may show signs of growth such as green leaves and sprouts - this is okay and transportation during this time should not harm the plants.

All bulbs and perennials should be planted in your garden as soon as possible to ensure the best success. If you must delay planting, open the bags to permit air circulation and place them out of direct sunlight in a cool, well-ventilated room. Do not place the bulbs where they can freeze. If you have the space, storing the bulbs in the refrigerator is another excellent way to “hold them” prior to planting. If you choose this method of storing your bulbs, be sure not to store fruit with them, as this is detrimental to bulbs.

Plant outdoors when the ground is no longer frozen and the conditions have improved for your zone.

If you have any questions or concerns our customer service team would be glad to help you at any time. Please use our contact form or email us at support@lilypadbulbs.com.

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