Form: Perennial
Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Flower Color: Royal blue, white
Foliage type: Flat, linear, vein-less, upright, grass-like in appearance
Bloom time: March-April
Height: 6-10 inches
Spread: 3 inches
Light requirements: Full sun
Plant depth: 1 inch of soil over rhizome
See "Growing Tips" for more detailed instructions
Growing Tips and Instructions
Visit our How-To Cultivation Library to learn more about peonies and how to grow them.
Native of Turkey and the Caucasian Mountains, Dwarf irises (Iris reticulata) are small, bulbous perennials with grass-like leaves and solitary, sometimes fragrant purple, yellow, or blue flowers that burst into bloom in late winter and early spring to create an effect reminiscent of butterflies hovering low to the ground. This sight brightens the aspect of late winter days!
The bulbs of iris reticulata are shaped like teardrops and have a netting-like tunic that covers the outside of the bulb. Correct planting depth is 4" deep and 3" apart, with the pointed end up.
Plant Iris reticulata bulbs in well drained soil. They flower best in full sun, but may also be grown in partial shade. Iris reticulata are both deer resistant and drought tolerant.
Though Iris reticulata bulbs may multiply over time, it takes several years for the bulblets to mature and begin flowering. Plant bulbs in the ground in the Fall, or in pots in the Spring and transplant into the ground in the Fall.